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Why smart parking solutions are needed more than ever?

As the world struggles currently with thecriticality of the Corona virus, irregular subjects like Car parking haveassumed a lower priority. All things considered, with expanding population and truly expanding number of vehicles around, alongside the restricted parking zones around, the situation is getting worsened day by day.

So, the question stands here – can we dosomething about it ? Omri shafran , founder and CEO of Surespot, a global firmindulged in offering smart parking solutions, says that Smart parking solutionis the silver lining amidst this chaos and uncertainty around with the increasing demand for Parking spots.

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What is Smart parking management? 

Discussing smart parking management, you will not go over numerous manual intercessions like on account of standardvehicle parking systems around and by far most of the work is taken care of by various robots and machine programming. Everything is changed in accordance with channelize the data and information in the best and legitimate way. 

Omri shafran houston tx says that a smart deviceis placed at the parking zone and once the vehicle owner goes into the parkingspace, they need to check the availability of parking space in the given unit. At the point when the smart system shows the necessary space accessibility, it will by then issue a parking pass to the vehicle owner. 

A comparable pass will help the vehicle ownerto go into the supported parking zone and park the vehicle to the availableslot. No or insignificant manual contribution is needed in such structure andeverything from the entry of the vehicle till its exit gets recorded in the automated systems. 

Significance of Smart parking management 

Limitedparking spots 

Omri shafran houston, further adds thatwhile the world is seeing a major spike in population, we can't anticipate thatit should go downwards at any point in the near future. With truly expanding population and limited parking space, people are surely going to witness a lot of difficulties and issues. Vehicle parking goes under a comparativeperspective and with lesser space, it may change into a more noteworthy and criticalissue. Consequently, given to the new age smart parking systems, this may come as a major turnover for most of the vehicle owners around. 

Spikein Car sales

As indicated by omri shafran houston texas,purchasing a vehicle is an essential need these days, rather than a luxury. Youneed it to drive along for your personal or official works starting from onespot and then onto the next. Thusly, when we see an outstanding growth in the car sales throughout the planet, we should likewise bring along the required space to park them. 

In this way, these smart parking solutionsmay come as a blessing in the long run. Other than saving us some big space andmoney, they can help us with parking numerous vehicles inside a restrictedspace.


Not with standing what reason you need topick to smart parking solutions, you need to align yourself with some of thebest and most trustworthy names in the same field. Doing that, not only you can get profited with the best of technology advancement, however will likewise save yourself from falling into the trap of all those fake and misguiding smart parking solutions vendors.