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Understanding the concept of APS

The groundbreaking innovation that can help the world to save some good parking space!

The world isn’t getting any bigger in terms of area and given to the rise in global population, mankind has to found better ways to accommodate its habitat and belongings. Similarly, we all will need some more space to park our cars, isn’t it?

So, is it really possible to accommodate those many cars within a limited area or zone? Luckily, the automated car parking system is here to save us. Omri shafran, CEO and founder of Surespot, one of the best and most unique parking access Management Company, further points his perspective in same regards.

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What is an automated car parking system?

In a layman’s language , it’s a system,( supported by high end technology ) that facilitates the parking of large number of cars within a limited parking space. Just like a multi storey building, this system will place the cars in on multiple vertical levels.

According to omri shafran houston tx, technically, you can park 5-6 cars within the allocate space of one car. Doesn’t that sound great? Not only this system maximizes the number of cars that can be parked within a given space, it will also drastically minimize the usage of land.

Now, there are two types of Automated parking systems – Semi automated parking system and fully automated parking system.

Semi automated parking system

This system will utilize manual help in various tasks and responsibilities during the automated parking of the cars. So, whether it’s about placing the car in the right spot or taking it off from the spot, a certain amount of work is done by the valet or the assistant driver in the APS facility.

Omri shafran Houston states that this means that even while most of the system is automated, there’s some kind of human involvement in there. This type of arrangement can be facilitated within a limited space and doesn’t require much of an investment like the Fully automated parking system.

Also, the involvement of humans by some means ensures better communication and instant addressal of any complaints and queries. And yes, machines and systems do fail so having a human around to help with your parking is always an added advantage.

Fully automated parking system

Contrary to the semi automated parking system, the fully automated parking system is managed and supervised fully automated machines and robots. There is no to minimal involvement of humans in these kind of automated parking systems.

According to omri shafran houston texas, right from the issuance of the parking ticket till the exit from the parking lot, most of the task and functions are managed and supervised by robots or automated machines. Even while this system, is quite cost effective, you can easily find the space and system , apt for your requirements and parking needs.

Now, before you start ahead with taking services from either of the parking systems, do enquire about their ratings and reviews by the previous users. This can help you in saving some good time and efforts that you may otherwise spent in getting out of any unwanted trouble.

When it comes to USA, there are certain firms like Surespot that are offering high end automated parking services to their elite clients around the country. Besides providing highly advanced services like Smart gate system and real time customer support, the firm helps its customers in saving some good time from their busy schedule.